We shape together the future of financial technology

Electronic Payment Service Providers Association


The Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association (EFISZ) arranged for a new, country-wide representative survey to be conducted: this time, the Association conducted its two-phase survey on “Mobile wallet solutions through the eyes of the users - representative survey on user habits and attitudes concerning mobile wallet applications”.

For the qualitative survey, an online focus group survey was conducted, controlled by a qualified moderator, between 11 and 12 March 2024, in which 4 groups participated.

During the focus group survey, users of the following electronic payment solutions, including mobile wallet applications, were interviewed to gauge the opinion of the target group:

The groups were heterogenous in terms of gender and place of residence, the groups included members from small and large settlements alike, from all three regions of the country.

Methods of payment

In the target group using a mobile wallet, the 18–25 age group and those over the age of 25 predominantly support electronic payment solutions, though there are some amongst them who prefer cash where it is possible.

The primary appeal of cash is that it is tangible and that it allows spending to be monitored.

The members of the target group prefer electronic forms of payment because of their convenience, security and swiftness.

Both age groups are aware of security concerns regarding cash and electronic payment alike, and opinions are divided over which method of payment is safer.

Concerning electronic payment, online shopping is regarded as the least safe, with participants being the most afraid of hackers’ attacks, while no serious concerns were voiced in connection with card payments.

There were participants in both groups who have experienced that electronic payment solutions were not accepted in small stores when a service was used, and more than one group member has experienced a situation where cash payment was not available. Compared to experiences abroad, on-site electronic payment options are seen to be more accessible in Hungary.

Fintech, mobile wallet

The participants examined predominantly connect the concept of Fintech to digital banks whose profile is based solely on electronic services, such as Revolut or Wise, it is not obvious for the members of the groups that the possibilities available in the mobile wallet applications of conventional banks also fall into this category.

Both age groups examined see mobile wallet payments as more convenient, safer and quicker than bank card payments.

The majority of the participants believe that face recognition and fingerprint scanner security systems in phones offer greater security than the PIN codes of bank cards.

While the majority of the 18–25 age group are familiarizing themselves with the possibilities offered by mobile wallet applications and use them predominantly for payment, those over the age of 25 are aware of and use more of the available features. In addition to the various forms of payment, functions relating to tickets and coupons are popular in both age groups. The possibility of dividing bills came as news for many. This is used, and seen useful, by some, while some specifically remarked that this was unnecessary.

The 18–25 age group is more open to uploading their personal data in a mobile wallet application than those over the age of 25, security concerns are less pronounced when trying out certain features, they would prefer convenience and being able to store things in one place.

In both age groups examined, it has been suggested that using more cards with smaller deposits would increase security, and a virtual card, one which expires after the first use, is considered a good idea.

The most popular mobile wallet applications are Apple Pay and Google Wallet, which have been positively commented by their users. Of proprietary applications of banks, many use Simple Pay, it seems that young people mainly do so because it is related to their bank and they have not yet tried anything else, and it has been suggested in both groups that it is possible to purchase motorway vignettes and bus tickets through this application and arrange parking, too. The number of PayPal users is also high, especially when it comes to online orders, supported by certain sites.

Concerning the quantitative survey, a representative sampling of Internet-user population over the age of 18 in Hungary took place using the so-called CAWI (computer assisted web interview) method between 15 April 2024 and 2 May 2024, during which 1,000 persons were interviewed.

Of the total sample, 52% (522 people) are women, 48% (478 people) are men, 38% (380 people) are between the ages of 18–39, 42% (419 people) are between the ages of 40–59, 20% (202 people) are 60 years or older.

According to the type of settlement, 18% (176 people) of the total sample declared themselves to be from Budapest, 23% (225 people) live in cities with a county rank, 32% (319 people) live in other towns, and the proportion of people living in a village is 28% (280 people).

35% (355 people) of the total sample have a primary education, 38% (381 people) have a secondary education, and 26% (264 people) have a higher education degree.

Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of the participants in the survey prefer electronic payment methods over cash.

64% of respondents are familiar with the concept of a mobile wallet. The best-known applications are PayPal (53 percent), Simple (44 percent), and Google Pay (40 percent), and these are the ones most frequently used by the members of the entire sample (15–13–8 percent).

53% of mobile wallet users mostly pay via mobile wallet applications. Device recognition issues occurred for 29 percent during payment, and for 17 percent on more than one occasion.

39% of the participants in the survey believe that mobile wallet applications can completely replace a physical bank card, while 57% of regular users of mobile wallet applications think the same.

Using a mobile wallet is cost-effective

Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of those who have already tried a mobile wallet application and 70 percent of their regular users find it cost-effective to use such applications.

With a 42 percent response denial rate of all respondents, the relative majority (46 percent) believe that using mobile wallet applications reduces costs.

Using a mobile wallet is safe

72% of those who have tried a mobile wallet and 79% of regular users say that these applications are safe to use. Even in the entire sample, the relative majority (47%) believes that using a mobile wallet application is safe, while only 22% have doubts concerning that. The majority of those who have tried, or regularly use, a mobile wallet application (71–71%) believe that it is safe to pay through such an application.

57% of regular users say that mobile wallet applications have adequate data protection.

Using a mobile wallet is convenient

The vast majority (84–86%) of those who have tried, or regularly use, mobile wallets find them convenient to use. 66 percent of all respondents believe that using a mobile wallet application is convenient, while only 9 percent of them believe that they are not convenient.



The Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association (EFISZ) carried out another national representative survey: this time the association studied electronic payment and digitalization trends.

The representative sampling had been conducted in 2023 between end of March and mid-April among adult internet-users and 2000 persons had been surveyed. The survey questions mostly pertained to electronic payment and digitalization trends.

Just like in the previous survey (90-94-81 percent, respectively), in April 2023 bank card payment, bank transfer and online payment are the three best known cashless payment options (93-91-80 percent have already heard about these).

Almost every (97 percent) adult internet-users in Hungary have already paid electronically at least once and 89 percent of them pay this way regularly. Bank card and bank transfer are the two most frequently used methods: 85% tried the former and 75% use it regularly, 79 percent tried the latter however only 43% became its regular user.

Respondents (also) paying by cash alternatives primarily tend to pay electronically when purchasing food (66 percent) and paying for utilities (51 percent), 56-42 percent is the share of those settling these kind of transactions regularly with cash alternatives.

Just like in the previous survey, in April 2023 almost half of the respondents (49 percent) pays more often electronically then by cash and the share of those using cash exclusively is only 10%.

89 percent of the questioned own a bank account, the share of those currently employed is 66 percent. The overwhelming majority (92 percent) of employees having a bank account receive at least a part of their salary to bank account, 85 percent receive the entire salary this way.

More than three out of four respondents (77 percent) having a bank account usually make efforts to monthly withdraw only the amount of money after which no bank charges are incurred; this is mostly typical for those having tertiary education and for elderly of and above 60 (87 and 85 percent, respectively).

Half of the survey participants are aware that it is cheaper to pay HUF 200,000 by bank card than to withdraw the same amount of cash from an ATM. People having tertiary education and residents of Budapest are the most well-informed in this respect (65 and 57 percent are aware respectively).

78 percent of those usually paying cashless tend to prefer stores and service providers accepting electronic payment methods and for 82% of them it is a basic requirement to be able to pay cashless. Both behaviour is most typical for those having tertiary education (86 and 91 percent respectively) and elderly of and above 60 (83 and 87 percent).

Ca. half (51 percent) of those using cash alternatives (as well) claimed to usually avoid on the long run deliberately those stores/ service providers which do not accept electronic payment and the avoidance of cash only payment is primarily typical for elderly above 60 (64 percent) and those having tertiary education (60 percent).


Electronic payment and digitalization trends 2023.pdf

The Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association (EFISZ) arranged for a new, country-wide representative survey to be conducted: this time, the Association conducted the survey among users of electronic payment solutions.

The representative sample was taken in late September and in October 2022 among the Internet-user adult population, the market survey was conducted by querying 1,500 persons online. The questions of the survey mostly referred to the use of electronic payment solutions.

As in the summer of 2022 (94-93-84 per cent), the survey also concluded this autumn that, of cashless payment solutions, bank transactions (94 per cent), bank card payments (90 per cent) and online payments (81 per cent) were the most popular among Internet-user Hungarian adults.

Nearly nine tenth (89 per cent) of Internet-user Hungarian adults typically used at least one electronic payment solution during their purchases. Respondents mostly paid using electronic means while shopping (76 per cent) and for online purchases (71 per cent). Public utility bills are typically paid by bank card (38 per cent).

Half of those using cashless payment solutions pay using electronic means more often than in cash and, just like in the summer of 2022, 59 per cent still prefer to pay using alternative payment solutions.
The majority of those using electronic payment solutions (87 per cent) uses cashless payment at least once a week, 35 per cent of them at least once a day. Compared to the previous data sample (42 per cent), the proportion of those using electronic payment solutions on a daily basis decreased by 7 percentage points in autumn 2022.

The majority of Internet-user Hungarians know instant payment and QR-code payment (56-58 per cent), however, the former is used by twice as many than the latter (40-21 per cent).

Of those respondents who believe that electronic payment solutions have an outstanding advantage, 35 per cent ranked swiftness as number one.

A quarter of respondents who only use cash (26 per cent) would not use electronic payment solutions for any of the above possibilities, 17-17 per cent of them would pay using electronic means if such payments were safer or if discounts were awarded for such payments.

Every second respondent (53 per cent) finds information on payment solutions using online advertisements and websites.



The Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association (EFISZ) arranged for a new, country-wide representative survey to be conducted: this time, the Association looked into the use of alternative payment methods.

The country-wide representative sampling took place in May 2022 among the Internet-user adult population and the market survey was conducted by querying 1,000 persons online. The opinion poll consisted of several sections: there were questions on the use of alternative payment solutions, but the Association was also interested in the financial awareness of the Hungarian population.

The research concluded that bank card payments, bank transfers, online payments, and cash-based payments are the most popular payment solutions among the Internet-user adult population (94-93-84-82 percentage).

The overwhelming majority (92 percentage) uses at least one alternative payment solution, and uses cashless payment solutions, alternatively, primarily during shopping or via online purchases (78-71 percentage).

Two thirds of those using alternative payment solutions pay with an alternative payment solution at least once a week—41 percentage daily.

The majority (58 percentage) of those using alternative payment methods use it for more than half of their purchases. The majority (59 percent) is happy to pay with such methods and use cashless payments confidently (67 percent).

Those not using alternative payment solutions use cash mostly out of habit (52 percent).

Those who are aware of cashless payment options have heard about cashless, alternative payment solutions mainly from the family, friends, acquaintances (44 percent) and on the Internet (41 percent), and typically hear about new payment options online (49 percent).

The respondents who (also) use alternative payment solutions consider them satisfactory, 84 percent are satisfied with their quality.

According to the participants of the research, it is mostly in the area of banking services where the quality of alternative payment solutions would need to be improved, 82 percent believe improvement is needed in this sector.

Respondents would mostly be encouraged by cost reduction opportunities and cost optimization (42 percent) as well as more secure systems (41 percent) to use cashless payment solution (more frequently).

Of those respondents who believe alternative payment solutions offer a benefit that is more outstanding, 37 percent claimed that this main benefit was its swiftness. Of Those using cashless payment methods (too), the highest proportion also indicated that swiftness was the feature encouraging the use of alternative payment methods (64 percent).

According to respondents, the popularity of alternative payment methods is largely due to the flexibility of the points of sale (marked by 57 percent), and the payment habits of customers are mostly determined by the proliferation of the use of smartphones and Internet-linked devices (72 percent).

The frequency if using electronic payment methods did not change for the majority of the respondents (55 percent) during the pandemic or since, the proportion of those who use such methods for payment more is 35 percent.

49 percent of the participants of the research regard their own financial knowledge good or outstanding. They would like to improve mainly in the area of savings (37 percent), they would like to expand their knowledge primarily through electronically accessible professional materials, videos (34 percent).



The pandemic situation caused by the new coronavirus also had a substantial effect on the “life” and operation of EFISZ (Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association): the professional programme of the Association planned for 2020 needed to be updated, and the scheduled events, professional forums, working group meetings, round table discussions and professional workshops had to continue online. Thanks to the active contribution and support of the members, we made progress with the professional works related to EFISZ even in the exceptional situation!

In 2020, the Association planned several professional events focusing on the transformation of the domestic and international payment ecosystems, the reshaping European Digital Finance Strategy, the experiences relating to the Instant Payment System (“AFR”) implemented in Hungary, and its future service development opportunities as well as the presentation of further projects built on the AFR. We initiated a professional dialogue on consumer-friendly digital services and the current topics of consumer protection. Additional online events took place, including on such interesting topics as “Banking as a Service” or community transport – the introduction of Public Transport Mobile Ticket in urban and interurban transportation. We conducted panel discussions on grant possibilities, the changed situation of digital finances and the financial supports that can be provided to start-ups.

Last year, EFISZ conducted two country-wide representative surveys on the state of domestic electronic payment with the continued contribution of its members: we were interested in the knowledge, preferences and needs of the Hungarian public in connection with electronic payment in the pandemic situation caused by the coronavirus; later we also conducted a survey on the same questions at county seat level. The comparison of the 2020 surveys with those conducted in the previous years and with the evolution of the market trends clearly showed the effect of the consumer habits changing due to the pandemic already at the end of 2020.

After the domestic launch of our Association at the beginning of last year, we established our international network, the European Digital Finance Association (EDFA) non-profit-making organisation (http://europeandigitalfinance.eu/) , founded in Brussels with 9 European professional organisations involved in fintech and electronic payment, which has EFISZ as a founding member. To begin the work of the non-profit-making association currently consisting of the professional organisations of 13 countries, it took part in the development and later in the parliamentary debate of the Digital Finance Strategy of the European Union as an advisory partner of the European Union. The goal of the European Commission was to create a unified digital market for financial services by means of the Digital Finance Package accepted in September. The Digital Financial Strategy plays an important role in the European Union’s digitisation initiatives, which promotes the creation of new digital value chains. Active participation in preparing the EU’s Digitisation programmes may result in the significant improvement of local enterprises accessing development resources for 2021-2027.

The planned professional focal points of the Association in 2021 include the continuation of the professional consultation on the renewal of the European Finance Strategy (EDFA-DG FISMA), the transformation of the domestic payment ecosystem (government efforts, regulation, business environment), the potential services built on the AFR, the emergence of new value chains, the government’s digitisation efforts (community transportation, Smart City, the potential of the digitisation of public utility and public services, circular economy) and the promotion of economic competitiveness. We will also address the promotion of sustainability (environmental, economic, social), the development resources (domestic, EU), the domestic and international promotion of fintech cooperation (sharing “good practices”, identification of partnership opportunities), and last, but not least, we will continue our cooperation with the domestic and international professional partner organisations (EFDA) and our regional partnership with the Visegrád countries (V4). 

Within the framework of its professional activity planned for this year, EFISZ wishes to continue the cooperation with universities (University of Debrecen) and the government-level dialogues, furthermore, it will conduct a new market research among the general public (“digitisation vs. COVID”) and also plans to organise its own professional conference in the virtual space.

The Electronic Payment Providers’ Association (EFISZ), with contribution from its members, conducted a new, country-wide representative survey on the state of domestic electronic payment. On this occasion, the Association surveyed the knowledge, preferences and needs of the Hungarian public in the county seats in relation to electronic payment in a changed situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

In the survey conducted from September to October 2020, EFISZ was primarily interested in the awareness and needs of the Hungarian population regarding electronic payment, as well as the factors the public preferred during the emergency situation caused by the pandemic.

Research on consumer behavior clearly determined that the domestic population is using modern infocommunication devices at a growing rate and more and more people are using electronic payment services on these devices. In comparison with the results of earlier research it is evident that cash remains to be the most used means of payment, however, the volume of various non-cash payment solutions has grown significantly compared to previous years.

Analyzing consumer behavior also revealed that services based on prepaid cards have yet to see an explosive growth, nevertheless, the popularity of mobile payment solutions is on the rise. Solutions based on QR-code in electronic payment services are gaining popularity among users, though users are beginning to factor in the price of such services and this is starting to influence their selection criteria, too.

The research has also revealed an increased level of awareness among the users, and that we are starting to pay more attention to teaching financial literacy.

“All in all we can say that in this pandemic situation users have become more and more open to modern, digital solutions and to applying the related electronic payment options. These services may facilitate to maintain the operation of the economy even during this pandemic situation. The openness of the users may also present an opportunity for domestic enterprises to bring to market modern, innovative and competitive solutions, further increasing the resilience of the economy” said Mihály Veres, President of EFISZ.


As part of the professional work related to the development of the Electronic Payment Strategy (EPS), the Electronic Payment Service Providers’ Association (EFISZ) conducted a national representative public opinion poll with contribution of its members on electronic payment in Hungary during the epidemiological situation.

The survey covered public knowledge, preferences and needs in connection with electronic payment during the extraordinary situation caused by the coronavirus.

The EFISZ conducted an opinion survey by phone, with a national representative sample, among Hungarian residents 18 years of age or older. In the survey conducted from May to June 2020, the EFISZ was primarily interested in the awareness and needs of the Hungarian population regarding electronic payment, and in factors favoured by the public during the epidemiological situation caused by the coronavirus.

The majority of households own a bank card, smart phone and laptop (as well). Approximately 80 per cent of survey respondents have a home internet subscription (according to the survey conducted by the EFISZ in June 2019, roughly 70 per cent of respondents had a home internet subscription). Sixty-six per cent of respondents use their mobile phone for internet browsing (compared to 52 per cent measured during last year’s survey). Eighteen per cent of respondents do not use the internet at all. The 72 per cent majority of internet users used the internet every day during the previous week. Respondents used the internet for an average period of 4 hours daily (compared to an average of 3 hours based on last year’s survey). Roughly two thirds of respondents use the internet daily for maintaining contact and reading news. Almost all respondents own a private mobile phone (compared to 89 per cent of respondents measured during the 2019 survey). Within this group, approximately 70 per cent own a smartphone and 26 per cent own a traditional device. Among those owning a mobile phone, 45 per cent have a mobile internet subscription, and roughly every fourth respondent’s phone is not suitable for internet use. Roughly one half of respondents use their mobile phone for visiting social networking sites. Roughly 30 per cent use applications at least once daily on their phones.

After cash the most popular methods of payment are contactless and swiped bank card payments (according to the 2019 survey of the EFISZ, the most popular form of payment among respondents was cash as well, followed by bank card payments). The majority of respondents are also aware of the option of transfers, online payment with a bank card and mobile payment. The least known electronic payment methods were the prepaid card and the virtual wallet in 2020 as well. Cash is the most popular form of payment among respondents aware of the given payment method; almost all of them use it on a day-to-day basis. The majority of respondents use cash, contactless and swiped bank card payment at least once a week. The majority of respondents use mobile payment, a virtual wallet and transfers on a monthly basis or less.

Approximately two thirds of respondents who do not use any of the listed electronic payment methods use cash out of habit.

Respondents mainly use a netbank and mobile bank for checking their balance or for transfers. Forty-five per cent and 55 per cent of respondents do not have netbank or mobile bank access, respectively. Netbank and mobile bank users access these platforms on average 5 and 7 times a month, respectively.

According to approximately 40 per cent of respondents, the recommendation of electronic services by banks and investment providers is effective. A high ratio of respondents could not provide an answer to this question. The majority of respondents are satisfied with information provided by the customer service of banks and financial service providers. Roughly 20 per cent of respondents do not request such assistance. The majority of respondents learned about electronic payment options, and are informed about new related developments through family and friends. 

Satisfaction with improvement of the quality of electronic payment services is highest in relation to bank and telecommunication services, online purchases and utilities. In the opinion of respondents, improvement of the quality of electronic payment services is most important in health care, official administration, banking services, education and utilities.

The majority of respondents use the electronic payment services of their own banks. Every fourth respondent (also) uses the electronic systems of telecommunication providers and 15 per cent use those of utility providers. Every fourth respondent does not use an electronic payment service. The level of users’ satisfaction with specific electronic payment services is high and they are likely to recommend these to others.

The majority of respondents do not have a mobile payment application on their phones. Sixteen per cent of respondents have such applications and use them. The vast majority of respondents do not know any prepaid card financial services. Three quarters of survey participants have heard of the introduction of immediate transfers. Every tenth respondent has heard of PSD 2, the new Payment Services Directive of the EU. 

Since emergence of the epidemiological situation, 35 per cent of respondents have been paying by electronic means whenever possible, mostly to avoid the use of cash. Every third respondent used electronic payment options with the same frequency.


As part of the professional work connected to the establishment of the Electronic Payment Strategy (EFS), the Electronic Payment Service Providers Association (EFISZ) conducted a country-wide representative survey with the contribution of its members about the electronic payment’s domestic situation. The survey covered the topics of people’s knowledge, preferences and needs in connection with electronic payment.

With a national representative sample and personal query, a questionnaire survey was conducted by EFISZ among Hungarian citizens 18 years of age and older. In the June 2019 research, EFISZ was primarily interested in the awareness and needs of the domestic population regarding electronic payment, and in the factors that are preferred by the population during „e-payment”

The survey’s results have partly confirmed the population’s previous preferences, but in some areas, the findings differed from earlier research data. The research clearly determined that the majority of households are in possession of a bank card, smart phone and laptop. Two-thirds of the respondents have internet subscription at home, the internet is most often used for communication, reading news, and the average number of hours spent online is 3 hours a day. Most people know and use cash, swipe card and contactless payments. The least known and used means of payment are the virtual wallet and the prepaid card. 

The reasons for avoiding electronic payment methods, according to 46 percent of the respondents, are that they pay with cash out of habit, 30 percent find it difficult to use, and 27 percent consider it unsecure. Credit card and debit card payment with swiping or with contactless method is used by the majority or by everyone in the case of 54-55 percent. 

48 percent of the respondents consider the recommendation of electronic services effective, according to 58 percent, sufficient information is provided by the bank or by the financial provider’s employees. Every tenth respondent would like to participate in a free workshop on electronic payment systems to enhance their knowledge. 

Nearly 30 percent of the respondents use their own bank’s electronic payment service, every tenth respondent (also) uses the system of their telecommunication service provider. Other providers are selected by less than 10 percent. Nearly every second surveyed person does not use electronic payment services at all.

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Electronic Payment Service Providers Association (EFISZ)
6-12 Kapás Street, 1027 Budapest
Corporate Registration Number: 01-02-0016481
Tax number: 18902323-1-41
Phone: +36 70 338 5846
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